Independent escorts Birkenhead Gallery

Priscilla Roux

Birkenhead escorts

Read the ad carefully before contacting me Gentlemen Courtois et Propre... Welcome. I am Bernadette, I am warm, fragrant, dominating. I move and can receive by appointment in advance.My service is for: 18+ Boy, Men, CouplesIncall Prices£600 full night£250 3 hours£180 two hours£100 an hour£80/ 45 minutes£50/30 minutesOutcall PricesTravel Charges Only MENUS:  natural or protected fellatio  Protected and unprotected report  facial cumshot no oral  Cunnilingus, foreplay  Take a shower before and after.  All positions.  French kiss (depending on feeling and hygiene)  Foot fetishism (receiver, I have pretty feet Games with sex toys (warn me in advance, and only for appointments from one hour)  Sloppy blow job  Deep Throat  Soft domination (facefucking, slap on the buttocks, raw words). I have my vtc for my trip.  Tell me your first name, age, ethnic origin, date / time of the meeting, duration of the meeting. Anyone rude, who asks unnecessary questions, I block. You don't want to waste your time and neither do I. The lack of respect and the lack of courtesy, I won't even answer you... Joking Refrain kisses see you soon kisses kisses.

£ 100


Birkenhead escorts

Hi love, I am SISSY,  young , sweet, warm, beautiful and friendly escort girl, who is waiting to delight you & Much More: with a gorgeous natural, Latin body i will give you unforgettable moments where all fantasies become real.For some favorites don't be shy and ask. I will be very discreet about anything that will happen between us !!!I have a bright personality I am very friendly and I love to have nice experience!!If you like to visit me dont hesitate to call me x !!Even WhatsApp DATES See you !!

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